Financial aid
The following programs are available to eligible voting members of Forest Lake Chapter. Assistance is subject to the availability of funds
Housing Discretionary
- Members may only receive assistance once every 5 years.
- Assistance is capped at $2,500.00
- Qualifying purchases are limited to building supplies.
- No furniture.
- No stoves.
- No appliances.
- No water heaters or pumps.
- Delivery fees are not considered towards the total of the assistance.
- Foundation and walls (shell) must be existing.
Burial Assistance
Due to the on-going drought condition present in the southwest and western portions of the United States. We have restricted water hauling to Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Due to budget constraints trash services will also be restricted to Monday, Wednesday and Friday to extend length of use for the trash bin. Household trash only. Trash must be bagged. Boxes must be flattened.
- NO furniture
- NO appliances
- NO used motor oil
- NO ashes
- NO lumber
- NO tires
Gates are closed Tuesday and Thursday to reinforce service hours. Staff are still present in the office to offer administrative services.
6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax is appliable to all transactions.
Registered Member:
.01¢ | per gallon |
Samples of common transactions:
55 gallons | .58¢ |
200 gallons | $2.12 |
250 gallons | $2.65 |
300 gallons | $3.18 |
400 gallons | $4.24 |
Non-Registered Member:
.02¢ | per gallon |
Samples of common transactions:
55 gallons | $1.17 |
200 gallons | $4.24 |
250 gallons | $5.30 |
300 gallons | $6.36 |
400 gallons | $8.48 |
Less than 10 pages | .25¢ |
10 pages or more | .10¢ |
6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax is appliable to all transactions.
Samples of transactions:
1 page | .27¢ |
2 pages | .53¢ |
5 pages | $1.33 |
9 pages | $2.39 |
10 pages | $1.06 |
13 pages | $1.38 |
For printing service:
- Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic we do our utmost to limit passing of personal property and possessions. Therefore, we strongly prefer not to take USB/thumb/flash drives from which to print.
- Please send the documents you wish to print to the chapter email: forestlake@navajochapters.org
First page | $3.00 |
Every page after | $1.00 |
6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax is appliable to all transactions.
Samples of tranactions:
1 page | $3.18 |
2 pages | $4.24 |
3 pages | $5.30 |
5 pages | $7.42 |
6% Navajo Nation Sales Tax is appliable to all transactions.
Registered Member:
Rental fee per hour is $25.oo and a fuel surcharge of $10.00.
Samples of common transactions:
1 hour | $37.10 |
2 hours | $53.00 |
Non-Registered Members:
Rental fee per hour is $50.00 and fuel surcharge of $10.00.
Samples of common tranactions:
1 hour | $63.60 |
2 hours | $127.20 |
Rental hours are capped at 2 hours.
Motor grader is unavailable and pending repairs. No ETA on when repairs will commence. This is subject to funding identification and approval.
As of 1/27/2022
The chapter building is not open to the public.
If a person needs to use the restroom.
- They must ask at the window.
- Wear a well fitting mask. Double masking is preferred.
- Clean the surfaces they’ve touched.
- One individual at a time unless the individual is need of assistance.
Unfortunately tables are unavailable.
Metal chairs are available for rental but MUST BE CLEANED BEFORE THEY ARE RETURNED.
chapter programs
Public Employment Program
Temporary employment for community members.
Open positions will be posted but applications are continually accepted and kept on file.
- Office Assistant
- Heavy Equipment Operator
- Maintenance Worker
- Custodian
Youth Employment Program
Seasonal employment for high school and post secondary education students.
Must be 14 years of age at time of application.
- Complete employment application
- ALL sections of the applications must be complete.
- Students should list any supervisors they may have had while volunteering/interning in a program.
- Counselors may also be listed.
- Current proof of school enrollment.
- CIB, social security card and birth certificate.
- Parent(s) or legal guardian must be a registered voter of the Forest Lake chapter.
- A grandparent’s voter registration may not used unless that grandparent is a legal guardian.
Students may apply up to 24 years of age.
- Same requirements as high school applicants.
- As most PSS students are of legal age – you must be a registered voter of Forest Lake Chapter.
- Transcript from last session attended, if you are a returning student.
- Current acceptance letter.
Students who engage in unsafe behavior will be sent home. Students who are participating in the program should treat the worksite as they would any other place of employment.
Navajo Department of Workforce Development
Applicants from the Forest Lake community may request to complete their hours at the Forest Lake Chapter or Forest Lake Senior Center.
(928) 674-2177