Operating Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm | Lunch: Noon – 1:00pm
Water & household waste service hours:
Everyday with the exception of holidays and closures
8:30am – 11:45pm & 12:15pm – 3:50pm
Our Story

The first community meeting assembled under a tree about two miles from the Forest Lake Chapter House. In these early days, sheep dipping and branding of livestock were the main resources for the community in the earlier days. Forest Lake Chapter, tucked away in an isolated location, brings the community its scenic, welcome to its open land on top of Black Mesa, in the mid-north central part of the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. Due to the remoteness, emergency services are not realized in time, i.e., police and ambulance services. People remain traditional and continue to depend on livestock.
The Forest Lake Chapter conducts monthly meetings to keep residents informed; residents have a forum to express their opinions to their Navajo Nation Council Delegate or to decide on matters concerning the chapter.

May Gilene Begay
Chapter President
Info to be added.

Rapheal Boy
Chapter Vice-President
Info to be added.

Brenda White
Chapter Secretary
Info to be added.

Irene Begaye
Grazing Representative
Info to be added.

Germaine Simonson
Council Delegate
Germaine Simonson is representing:
(Hard Rock, Forest Lake, Pinon, Black Mesa, Whippoorwill)
Committee: Health, Education and Human Services.

Ella M. Benally
Community Services Coordinator

Theresa M. Begay
Office Assistant

Warren M. Tallbrother
Heavy Equipment Operator

Ardy Begaye
Account Maintenance Specialist